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Apple Farmer Annie

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 10 months ago


Lesson Title – Apple Farmer Annie

Contributor – Melissa Ingram


Grade Level – K-1


Essential Reading Element - comprehension


Objective(s) – After reading Apple Farmer Annie by Monica Wellington Students will identify their favorite apple snack.




Read the story aloud stopping periodically to ask a student to point out the word “apple” on the page. Discuss foods made with apples. Tell students they are going to draw a picture of their favorite food made with apples and we will share their work.


Optional: Serve a variety of apples for a snack.


Implementation - Anytime you can incorporate a snack into storytime, it will be a very popular idea! (One of our kindergarten teachers served green eggs and ham during a Dr. Seuss unit and another served blueberry pancakes for another story.)  My students really enjoyed talking about their favorite apple snack until we were all hungry. Then, I surprised them with the apples and we snacked while sharing our pictures.  They were able to remember elements of the story about farming, harvesting and preparing apples.


Examples, Resources, and Links –


Alternative lesson plan (apple farmers as producers of goods)




book review for parents:




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