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Class Edublogs

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 2 months ago


Please take time to investigate our blogs. Everyone is exploring the many ideas that we discussed during the workshop, but each of us will have a different perspective and research new articles to share. There is nothing more exciting than writing an intersting post on a new discovery and finding that someone has left you a comment. The other neat thing is that we can share our experiences and learn from one another.



Shannon - http://techy2teacher.blogspot.com/

Sharon http://hinsleys.edublogs.org/

Melissa - http://mingram29.edublogs.org

Christina - http://blankenship.edublogs.org/

Cheryl - http://frazierc.edublogs.org/

Kristen - http://classroomnewscraigk.edublogs.org

Teri - http://delaney.edublogs.org

Marlene - http://miom.edublogs.org

Debbie- http://newsgrantd.edublogs.org

Anne- http://drapera.edublogs.org

Sharon http://fairbanks.edublogs.org

Kim http://mckiernan.edublogs.org/

Merry Beth  http://merrybethtaintor.edublogs.org/

Kimberly  http://shermank2.edublogs.org/

williams http://williamsb3.edublogs.org

Kim S http://skulak.edublogs.org/

Comments (1)

Sharon said

at 2:46 pm on Jun 18, 2008

Today's theme was on classroom libraries. I read an article that discussed the current research and application of the research in the following areas: reading practice w/trade books, benefits of reading trade books aloud, and, finally, the role of motivation when using trade books.

Reading aloud encourage children to read. Reading builds comprehesion, vocab, & fluency development. Teachers know to reach a year or two above the children's grade level. Teachers need to engage children into reading for a variety of purposes as well as know the students' levels and interests. This helps teachers to assist students in selecting books.

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