
Classroom Libraries and Literacy Centers

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Classroom Libraries

Classroom Libraries and Literacy Centers

Lessons for Primary students


Classroom Library PlaceMarker


1. Big Book Literacy Center (Erin B.)

Objective - Students will read big books at a center.

Summary - Students will read a big book that the class has read together. At the center, they may partner read, choral read, take turns being "teacher" or read alone. They may use pointers to isolate the words or sounds and spellings. In addition, the teacher may leave supplies such as sticky notes and highlighting tapes so that the children may leave notes about parts of the story the enjoyed, or questions they have about the story. There may also be paper and pencils, art supplies so that the students can respond to the literature with a picture, a story or report of their own. They may also record their own readings of the big book to listen to later.

Implementation - This is what happened when you implemented the lesson.


2. Book Nook (Sarah S.)

Objective - Students will explore fiction, non-fiction, informational, and expository texts.

Summary  Students are taught to use this center.They use a variety of texts in the reading center as part of the daily center rotation.Two students choose books and read to each other or to stuffed animals. Alphabet puzzles, alphabet cards, felt-board stories, and Big Books are included in the center.

Implementation - The students read to each other and their animals. They drew pictures about their favorite stories and dictated or wrote about the stories. They put the alphabet cards in order and matched objects to alphabet puzzles by initial sounds. The felt-board stories were used for reviewing story sequence. Teaching this center provided an increased interest in books and activities. The reading center became one of the favorite centers 


3. Classroom Library (Heather Brower)

Objective - Students will choose their own novels for independent reading and book reports

Summary - Students are taught to use the classroom library already in place.  Shelves are labeled by genre, and the books on each shelf are color-coded with round sticker labels.  There is also a poster on the wall next to the bookshelves outlining the color code: red=classics, orange=multicultural/historical, blue=scifi/fantasy, dark green=mystery, bright green=adventure/sports, pink=animal fiction, and yellow=realistic fiction.  Students can check out up to two books at a time by signing them out in their class section of a binder at the library station.  Students participate in maintaining the library by helping to reshelve books, checking the sign-out binder, and donating books.

Implementation - Students have responded well to the library.  They learned the genre/color code quickly, and are eager to always have a new book to read for their daily DEAR time and to work on their current book reports.  They have also been anxious to be chosen as helpers for library maintenance.


4. Classroom Library Organization (Kim Meadows)

Objective - Students will be a part of the planning and organizing of the classroom library.

Summary - I involved my students in helping plan and organize the books in our room.  We came up with a plan and then put it into practice. 

Implementation - The children really enjoyed doing this.  It helped make the library "theirs" and they really felt like the owners.  They decided to put the books in ABC order by author's last name.  They have taken better care of the library since then.


5. Your Title Here (Add your name)

Objective - Students will ...

Summary - Write a description of the lesson here.

Implementation - This is what happened when you implemented the lesson.


6. Your Title Here (Add your name)

Objective - Students will ...

Summary - Write a description of the lesson here.

Implementation - This is what happened when you implemented the lesson.



Lessons for Intermediate students


1. Your Title Here (Add your name)

Objective - Students will ...

Summary - Write a description of the lesson here.

Implementation - This is what happened when you implemented the lesson.


2. Your Title Here (Add your name)

Objective - Students will ...

Summary - Write a description of the lesson here.

Implementation - This is what happened when you implemented the lesson.


3. Your Title Here (Add your name)

Objective - Students will ...

Summary - Write a description of the lesson here.

Implementation - This is what happened when you implemented the lesson.


4. Your Title Here (Add your name)

Objective - Students will ...

Summary - Write a description of the lesson here.

Implementation - This is what happened when you implemented the lesson.


5. Your Title Here (Add your name)

Objective - Students will ...

Summary - Write a description of the lesson here.

Implementation - This is what happened when you implemented the lesson.


6. Your Title Here (Add your name)

Objective - Students will ...

Summary - Write a description of the lesson here.

Implementation - This is what happened when you implemented the lesson.


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