

Page history last edited by shannonayrish@... 16 years ago

Welcome to Literacy Hooks PRO:

Catching the Five Essential Elements of Reading

Motivating All Students to Become Successful and Purposeful Readers


The  love of learning the sequestered nooks, and all the sweet serenity of  books.



Hook students from the first day of school with lesson plans, professional materials, technology resources and highly effective strategies to motivate your readers by:

 •Differentiating your reading instruction with meaningful and relevant literacy centers; and

 •Integrating technology into your whole and small group literacy instruction.

 •Discovering the power of creating readers with poetry;

 •Building a classroom library that increases student achievement; 

 •Increasing parental involvement;

 •Putting more teaching power into your read-alouds



Each of the following categories has lesson ideas, links and resources.

Poetry and Reading

Classroom Libraries

Picture Books









Kindergarten through Sixth Grade Teachers and Media Specialists  



2008 Summer Workshop

Date: June 16 – 19, 2008

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Monday through Thursday)


One Follow–up Date TBD: October 2008

Additional Readings

Where: DeSoto Trail Media


Led by Shannon Ayrish and Sharon Hinsley




Sign up on the TEC Summer Training Webpage at


Go to READING and Language Arts, then go to (Literacy Hooks…).

Or e-mail



DeSoto Trail Elementary 488-4511





Comments (10)

Anonymous said

at 8:56 pm on Jun 15, 2006

Thank you to all of our participants and facilitators. We had a great week. Please join us over the next few months in building this wiki (website).

Shannon said

at 1:06 pm on Jun 25, 2006

Be sure to check out our changes. The website is growing and changing everyday!

Anonymous said

at 11:04 pm on Sep 25, 2006

Hey Everybody,
Here's a good website to check out. It has a lot of info about authors and offers links to other sites.

Anonymous said

at 8:50 pm on Jun 22, 2007

Great workshop! Thank you! Can't wait to try some new things in my classroom!

Anonymous said

at 10:44 pm on Jun 27, 2007

New feature = calendar page linked to front page.

Anonymous said

at 10:45 pm on Jun 27, 2007

New feature = voice chat in side bar. Works like a walkie talkie. Press the icon and talk to someone who is on the wiki with you.

Anonymous said

at 10:47 pm on Jun 27, 2007

You need a microphone to use the new voice chat feature. I have not used the camera function yet, but I'll let you know how it goes.

Anonymous said

at 11:23 pm on Jun 28, 2007

I just found an interesting site for those who want to create a database of their classroom library. http://www.librarything.com. Check it out. The best feature is that you don't need to type the whole book title.

Anonymous said

at 5:37 pm on Jun 24, 2008

I have started a database here, it is great!

Anonymous said

at 10:56 pm on Jul 2, 2008

I am adding some links about scrapbooking to the site. Also I have changed the blog that I am using on the Edublog page.

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