
Parental Involvement and Fluency

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Parental Involvement


Comprehension Art


How does parental involvement in your classroom build Fluency skills?


Activities for Parental Involvement and Primary students


1. Tracks In the Dirt (K. Michele Boston)


Objective - Students will ...read at least 82 correct words per minute from the story.

Summary - The students will take home the short story and let their parents time them on how many correct words they can read in one minute. They will read the story a few more times and then get their parents to time them again and see if they beat their first time.

Implementation - Parents have told me their children do better and better each week when I send these home. I send one home per week for them to practice.


2. Backpacks For Home


Objective -For paretns and students to use the backpacks with various themes to learn more about a variety of topics.

Summary I collected backpacks over the years and now have put different themes into each backpack (I have about 20 of them). Some of the topics are Whales, Kennedy Space Center and Dr. Suess. The children take the backpacks home for a few days and read about the topic with a parent. The student comes back and shares what they have learned and many write about the topic.

Implentation The children and their families love this idea. The only drawback is some families don't take care of the articles in the backpacks such as souveniers that I have collected for the backpacks. (Carolyn Conner)


3. Read Alouds (C. Laney)

Objective - Students will develop more fluency and a love of books by listening to their parents reread much-loved read alouds we have read at school.

Summary - Each day (except weekends), "Robby", our raccoon class puppet, leaves a letter he has written along with a book I have read to the kids that day on a child's desk. The letter, addressed to the child, lets the parents know that they are to read the book aloud to their child. The child takes the letter and book home to share during read aloud time with parent or family. The child returns the book the following day.

Implemetation - By hearing and participating in repeated readings of a book, the children read with more fluency and expression. Even those struggling love to grab the books and reread them! Parents and kids alike have responded favorably to this activity.


4.Poetry Anthology/u> (Roberta and Roberta)

Objective- Students will develop fluency and a love of poetry by creating a poetry anthology in class, adding to it weekly and reading the poems aloud to and with parents.

Summary- Students will bring home the poetry anthology weekly and read the new poem and other favorite poems to an adult. The adult makes sure that the book comes back to school weekly.

Implementation-Students hear and reread the poems and are becoming more fluent. Parents like the idea. Students are enjoying and selecting favorite poems to read. They are anxious to find poems for us to add to the our anthologies.

Activities for Parental Involvement and Intermediate students


1. Digital Practice (Scott Mazur)


Objective - Students will increase their fluency through parental modeling and practice.

Summary - Fluency testing sheets from Open Court and a digital recorder were sent home with students identified by testing as being at high risk. Parents were instructed to read the passage with their child first. Then the parent recorded their reading of the passage at a rate of about 150 words per minute. Students then listened and practiced matching the pace. When ready the student recorded their reading of the passage.

Implementation - By using the digital recorders even my reluctant readers want to take them home to practice. Only having two recorders I am limited in the number of students that can participate in a given night. When the student comes in the next day they enjoy sharing how they compare to their parents. I am still uneasy about sending the recorders home but the students know the must be taken care of if I am going to continue letting them use it.





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