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Picture Books and Fluency

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 9 months ago

Picture Books

How does using picture books in your classroom build Fluency skills?


Lessons for Picutre Books and Primary students


1. Your Title Here (Your name here)

Objective - Students will ...

Summary - Write a description of the lesson here.

Implementation - This is what happened when you implemented the lesson.



Lessons for Picture Books and Intermediate students


1. Your Title Here (Your name here)

Objective - Students will ...

Summary - Write a description of the lesson here.

Implementation - This is what happened when you implemented the lesson.


2. My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother (Dara Fish)

Objective - Students will develop fluency through expressive reading

Summary - Read aloud ''My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother'' by

Patricia Polacco. After a discussion on how the author feels about her

brother, read various excerpts with the appropriate expression of anger

and love; students will pair up and repeat the activity taking turns

reading to each other expressively.

Implementation - The students seemed to enjoy this activity very much.

They were given ample time to practice over and over again, and their

fluency improved each time.


3. Modeling Dialogue (Carolyn Conner)

Objective Students will increase their fluency while reading with express.

ImplmentationWe read the book Owl Babies by Martin Waddell. In this story three baby owls worry about their mother. In this book there are many expressive lines that the baby owls say. Each child wrote one of the expressive lines on a card and everyone took turns trying expressive reading by trying the different lines.The students had a lot of opportunies to practice reading expressively with each other.

Summary This was a lot of fun for me and the class. The children realized how much you can add to a story by using expression when reading aloud.

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