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Picture Books and Vocabulary

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago

Picture Books

How does using picture books in your classroom build Vocabulary skills?


Lessons for Picutre Books and Primary students


1. Follow Mom’s and Dad’s Directions (Sharon Hinsley)

Objective - After reading Over in the Ocean in a Coral Reef by Marianne Burkes, students will write the actions of each sea creatures' offspring as directed by their parent.

Summary - Students will read the book and write each action word that describes the movements of the offspring of the sea creature: Octopus, Parrotfish, Clownfish, Stingray, Puffer, Dolphin, Angelfish, Needlefish, Gruntfish, Seahorse.

Implementation - Waiting for Spring.

2. Introducing Onomanopeia (Nancy Reddick)

Objective -Before reading Froggy Plays Soccer by Jonathan London brainstorm (on chart paper) with your class sound words (such as doorbell-dingdong or a train-choo-choo).

SummaryTell your students to listen as you read the story aloud for sound words or onomanopoeias (by the way, children love to say this word). When they hear an onomanopoeia in the story they can show it by using a thumbs up signal. After reading the story brainstorm (on chart paper) all the onomanopoeias in the story. Leave the lists hanging in the classroom so the children can use the charts as a resource when writing.

Implementation I did this recently with my class and they love listening for onomanopoeias. I immediately saw evidence of understanding and comprehension in their writing.


Lessons for Picture Books and Intermediate students


1. Your Title Here (Your name here)

Objective - Students will ...

Summary - Write a description of the lesson here.

Implementation - This is what happened when you implemented the lesson.

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