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Take Care!

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years ago

Lesson Title – Take Care!


Contributor – Melissa Ingram


Grade Level – K-2


Essential Reading Element - comprehension


Objective(s) – Students will recall the read aloud and learn to care for their library books.


Procedure -  Read What Happened to Marion’s Book by Brook Berg aloud. Place the following items in a bag: (jelly jar, dog collar, toothpaste, crayon, rubber ducky, piggy bank) Pull out one item at a time and ask students to recall how they relate to the story and what Marion learned about taking care of her books from each item.


Show students examples of books that were not cared for and discuss how the damage might have happened and what should have been done differently.


Have students draw a picture (K) or write a rule related to book care (1&2).  Have students share their rule with the class and post their work on a bulletin board. Selected student-created rules can also be photographed and posted as a flick on the media center web page.


Implementation - I showed the students the "mystery bag" before I read the story and they were on very curious to find out what was in it!  I had students come up to pull an item out of the bag.  The person who correctly recalled how it related to the story came up to select the next item. This was their favorite part and I was really impressed by the level of detail they could recall.  Next time I will add more items to the bag so that more students can participate.  This idea can be used for other books and gave me an idea for a center...


Examples, Resources, and Links -

What Happened to Marion’s Book by Brook Berg; Illustrated by Nathan Alberg



Students can access the book using a computer at a literacy center here: http://www.marionsbook.com/



Plush Marion hedgehog available here: http://www.marionsbook.com/make-a-purchase



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